Men Picking Up The Gauntlet 6!!! – Ola Akinwe
Gender advocacy has always been personal for me. I started advocacy because growing up, I had a lot of questions about my identity and about the stereotypes I saw in the society. It seemed like there were different sets of rules for guys and different sets of rules for girls, especially as regards career choices and leadership. I wondered why it was so. It seemed like women were limited or deterred from reaching certain heights and my heart rebelled against it. When I realized the truth about who I was and whom I was meant to be, I decided to help every young girl and young woman do the same. My advocacy is centred around women shattering glass ceilings and rising above stereotypical limitations. I advocate for them to live purposeful and fulfilling without regard to limitations society has placed on their gender. I achieve this by organizing programs from time to time, using my social media and writing on my blogs. All through my advocacy, people keep asking why I am just f...