The Brief Biography of a Super Woman and Mother: A Son’s Narrative

I have always posted fiction on my blog but today I will be sharing a true-life story. A male friend of mine would like me to share the story of his mum with the belief that women will learn from the story. While reading it, I could not hold back my tears. I had to ask my friend if the story was real. He responded, "120 percent" I never imagined my friend had gone through that because of his personality. I was one of those children who loved late night snacking; consequently, my odd-hour craving made me believe my mother never slept. This is because every night when I woke up and went to the kitchen for a quick bite, she was always there baking to meet up with her side hustle of snacks supply to various vendors on campus every morning. Besides her catering business, she also had her studies and administrative duties at a federal university, where she worked. Not to mention the domestic duties she had to tend to for her husband and four kids, who were still in primary school. ...