World Menstrual Hygiene Day 2022
Making menstruation a normal fact of life by 2030 Imelda rolled to a fetal position as the pain in her abdomen increased. She clutched her stomach and stifled a groan. She lazied out of bed to get her hot water bottle. As she turned on the light, she noticed a pimple break out on her left thigh. Her body vibrated with panic, she dashed to the bathroom and splashed water on her thigh and began massaging in hopes of them disappearing. 'Just go away.' She mumbled. The pimples remained. She burst into tears and sat on the covered toilet bowl. 'I wish you were here, I don't know what is happening to me. I feel like I am going to be sick like you mom.' Imelda lost her mom when she was four and since then, it had been just her and her dad. She had yet to tell her dad about the recent happenings in her body because she did not want to alarm him. Mr. Frank switched off the television and went upstairs, as he passed by Imelda's room, he noticed the light was still swi...