Happy Father's Day 2023

Bamboo Love Mercy averted her gaze, feeling a mix of emotions as her father wheeled himself into the sitting room. A sense of unease settled upon her, causing beads of sweat to form on her forehead. She found solace in fixating her eyes on her brown suede boots, avoiding direct eye contact with him. This strained dynamic had persisted for the past two years, ever since the accident that had left him in a wheelchair. Despite her attempt to shield herself from the reality of their changed circumstances, she couldn't help but notice the unmistakable longing reflected in her father's eyes. The atmosphere in the room seemed heavy with unspoken words. Deep down, she knew that her father's love had not faltered, despite all that had happened. Her apprehension in confronting the new reality was the problem. As she continued to study her boots, memories raced through Mercy's mind. He had always been her pillar of strength, her guiding light....