Amazons 8 - Eshi Anna Obute

Everyone says we advocate for the girl child at the detriment of boys. This is because there has been an age-long problem of inequality that we have been trying so hard to correct. At the same time, it feels like we left the men behind. This has caused a sharp tilt in the balance of things as women were being empowered but men were not. When this shift started happening, it seemed like men were doing just fine without it. Yet, leaving men at the mercy of societal constructs has given birth to toxic traits like drug abuse, violence and even suicidal tendencies. Hence, the dire need to help our men. This calls for more intense advocacy for the boy child. But not many people are seeing the urgency. This is why as often as possible; I like to highlight some great people who are picking up the gauntlet and making tremendous impact in boys’ and men’s lives. Today’s guest is Eshi Anna Obute. Eshi is a fantastic software engineer, an artist, a writer, a graphic designer and a craft w...