Life is flying by as a cloud disperses and vanishes;life is here & shall surely go away forever. Days on earth are as transient as shadows, life is like a shadow that appears only for a while, it is like dusk that fades away; it blossoms for a moment like a flower and withers.As we all breeze through life ,do we derive joy from earthly things that are temporary,so why put our energy on things dt are not everlasting & look up to heavenly tins which will give us ETERNAL LIFE. Our foot paths as a traveller on earth, are we working towards ETERNAL GLORY or ETERNAL AGONY. Our quest as we journey through earth will it lead towards ETERNAL BLISS or ETERNAL TORMENTS. Are we working towards ETERNAL LIFE. Lord,give me d grace not to rest on my oars in ths christian race.Am I seeking YOUR kingdom first in everything .I do,are all my actions edifying U. Let us strip off & throw aside every unnecessary weight & dt sin which so readily and cleverly clings to and entangles and let us run wt patient endurance and steady active persistence the appointed course of the race that is set b4 us"(Hebrews 12:1)..
World Radio Day 2021
The 13th of February every year is World Radio Day – a day set aside by UNESCO to raise public awareness on the importance of radio and to encourage decision-makers to use it to provide access to information, and to improve international cooperation among broadcasters. According to the United Nations, this year’s theme – New world, new radio is a tribute to the resilience of radio as a means of communication and highlights its capacity to adapt to changes in the society. Long before there were televisions, computers, and mobile devices, radios were used to educate people and disseminate all sorts of information. They were here since the 1940s and for generations, they have been a source of hope, strength, inspiration, and entertainment for different classes of people. They have been here during wars, epidemics, natural disasters, socio-economic crises, and so on. As the oldest, most accessible means of disseminating information to everyone and anyone over long distances, th...
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