It's estimated that between 114 million women around the world experience female genital circumcision. The ritual is life-threatening, makes child bearing extremely painful and there are traumatic experiences attached to it. The root of this is based on culture. Is it then a crime to be born a female?, must I wallow in limitations because of cultural values? Should my human rights be infringed upon based on my gender. Culture to me should be an element of appreciation. Oh cu lture, u definitely can't limit me, can u please be enhanced. I do love cultural values at least it makes me to appreciate the fact that variety is the spice of life. I walk, live and act out according to God's purpose for my gender. Let my mind be renewed based on God's word for my gender not on cultural beliefs. Christ is my standard not culture.
Showing posts from June, 2016
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First rain of the year, so came up with this The brightness of the skylight changed suddenly The light faded gradually like the dusk And darkness came in like the dawn The flash of lightening The cloud was heavily pregnant The blue blanket changed The motion of the cloud changed People running hilha-hilho to find shelter The winds in procession The trees bowed The flowers bowed The trees swaying their leaves Within a twinkling of an eye Things changed Human beings acknowledged this Animals in the forest Animals at home Even breathless figures knew it The rain poured gently Like a running tap The clouds engulfed with lightening and thunderstorm Oh! The rain so precious like silver It brings about the gentle breeze which sweeps over me sharply and smoothly It has find its way to the depth of the sea and vastness of the ocean. Psalm 135:7 He makes mists rise throughout the earth and sends the lightening to bring down the rain; and sends the winds from his ...
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ADEWUYI ROSELINE ADEBIMPE I am a woman and I am blessed. Now, some of you may have nurtured the thought and mentality that my being a woman makes me inferior to men, but is that really true? See, men and women are created equally but differently. We appear in two different forms but we have and carry the same spirit . We may be different in terms of roles, designs and abilities, however, we have complementary assignments in fulfilling God's purpose. By the way, come to think of it, why would someone who has God's spirit be inferior? My being a woman doesn’t mean I have to compete with any man. Remember! We are all here to complement one another. Don’t get me wrong and be confused when I say that not every man is my head as a woman. I mean it in the right sense and as a matter of fact, only my husband is. Nevertheless, I owe all men the respect and honour they deserve. I am not limited, Christ who lives in me isn’t, so why should I be? My mind is ren...
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On the river The waves dance On the river The tides dance Like puppets The tender touch of the coolness of your breeze The silent hands of the calmness of your wind The gentle arms that caresses to a dream land Rivers flow into the sea Seas flow into the ocean The unifying nature of water bodies Where are we coming from? Where are we going to? Water! The driver of life Human beings are like water Who knows where one can meet in life Just as the sea meets the ocean Be it friend, be it acquaintance Water which flows forward or remains stagnant But never flows backward Forward ever!!! # LetsGoGreen # ILoveNature # ILoveWater # God the wonderful artist # GodMakerOfTheUniverse # Unity # Life
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PHENOMENAL WOMEN (Dedicated to women who have engraved themselves on the sands of time.) Phenomenal women: Women of courage and strength, Women of faith and devotions Of strong spirits unbridled imaginations, Who birthed the world priceless innovations. Seeds of Adam marvelled at your mystery, How can such tiny rib be exceptional! Then like a hive of honey bees, They swarm around you, But you were never intimidated. You are a woman of noble perseverance, Embodiment of unusual confidence, Never to give in and up to vicissitudes, The world doubted your femininity, Because a woman is not to be found making the world better! Where is your secret? They wished to know what is hidden In the reach of your hands, The strides of your steps The curl of your lips And the span of your hips! Oh, it’s the fire in your eyes, The flash of your sparkling teeth, The rhythm of your stamping feet, And the passion in your large heart A phenomenal woman you are! Alas, it’s the ...
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More than ever in human history, life today has been made very convenient, courtesy of technology we use in our everyday living. Although little has been done so far to celebrate the brains behind most of these intentions especially after their death, the fact that many of those inventors are still read and discussed in our academic circles is consoling enough. However, it is saddened that when people talk about world inventions, the female contribution are often under-recognized. If I may ask; how many female inventors did you know? Isn't it unfortunate that there are people who never believed women havr ever contributed to the growth of Science and Technology in our world? Contrary to what many people's view, many of the modern technological inventions were in fact pioneered by women. Some of them dated back to centuries when women did not even have suffrage right in most countries. I dedicate this article specially to such women technologists and scientists wh...
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I am a language student, I so much anything language. I could remember in my junior secondary school days when I told my friends that I would love to be in the arts, they all saw me as being crazy . Afterwards, coming to the choice of my career and told them I would be applying for french in the university, it was like really ''Rose, you are indeed crazy, you are intelligent...Why not study a professional course'' I pursued my career in this and I have heard questions over the years on if I chose the language or not because some cannot just fathom the fact that a sane person will enroll for a course like French. I have not been deterred in anyway, I feel happy and really fulfilled doing my course. I feel really proud telling people my course of study, in fact always itching for people to ask me such..smiling. Last week Thursday 23rd of June, 2016 was the french day in the university of Ilorin, Ilorin. The theme of the program was ''WHY FRENCH'' bec...