Should gender affect our choices in things that have no biological consequences?
The quality
of our life today is a reflection of the choices we have made in the past -
good or bad. Although we are free to make choices, we cannot choose the
outcomes or consequences of those our actions.
There are, however, things we did not choose like our race,
our skin color, our ethnic group or tribe, the family we are born into and our
gender. These are the things we are born with or born into and had no hand in
becoming. They should not be a basis of bias or discrimination against us. They
should also not determine what choices are right or wrong for us.
Or should they?
Marilyn usually goes to the barbershop every month to style
her favorite haircut, punk. For her, there is nothing more refreshing than
being able to run cold water down your head anytime you're in the bathroom. The
feeling is an all-consuming rejuvenating coolness she can’t describe. And
that’s why she loves her punk more than anything else in the world. That’s also
why she will never stop cutting her hair despite what ‘concerned’ people say.
“A girl is supposed to keep her hair and braid it,” is the
first thing Aunt Margret always says in response to Marilyn’s “Good afternoon
Aunty Margret, how are you?” whenever they bump into each other at family
Their encounters usually turned into counseling sessions with
Aunty Majorie coming in towards the end to add, “We are just saying this for
your own good, my dear. We are worried about you. You know that men love to run
their hands through a woman’s hair. If you refuse to keep your hair, Marilyn,
how then will you be able to keep a man? You’re driving men away with this your
bad attitude!”
Every time, Marilyn would sit through the entire thirty to
forty-five minutes until they finished then she would laugh and tell them that
it was her hair so she would whatever she wanted with it.
“Punk is my style,” she always replied, “It suits me and I'm
sorry, but I'm not planning to change it for anyone.”
Family isn’t the only people who think Marilyn is making a
ridiculous choice because of her gender.
The barbers believe so too. Whenever she goes to cut her hair, they
always want to charge her extra.
Whenever she protests, they remind her that she’s a lady and
so should be charged higher.
But is that explanation enough? Is a lady cutting her hair
any different from a man cutting his hair – even when her hair is low, and she
has been cutting it hair all her life?
The good thing is: Marilyn never accepts their explanation.
She always argues with them until they accept to cut her hair at the standard
We want to hear your opinions:
why do you charge more when the person is female?
and relatives, why are you so worried when a woman cuts her hair?
gender affect our choices in things that have no biological consequences?
our harmless choices be seen as right or wrong on the basis of gender only?
gender affect our rights to choose the hairstyle we want?
women be made to feel uncomfortable or be treated unfairly because of the
hairstyle they have chosen to wear?
women’s choices only reflect what men want or expect from them?
women’s wants and preferences matter?
your hairstyle choice portray the kind of person you are or what you’re likely
to do?
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