Last year, we took a bold step forward in a bid to crushing societal stereotypic thinking toward the girl-child, we ignited the fire that burns brightly in the heart of the girl-child and we helped guide her heart on setting her foot on the track of her own choosing.

And as the annual International Day of the Girl Child draws near, we are here again, super-geared to help the girl-child break out of the cages of ready-made expectations in order for her to redesign her own dreams with the numerous blocks that pile up around her.

We cannot fold our arms while the society continues to tag our girls with roles before they decide to be a player in our world, define them even before they get a voice to describe themselves; sculpt their thoughts even before they get their first thought drives.

The best role players are never scripted. Pay a visit to the annals of history. The best troubleshooters do not think out of the box, they disrupt the thinking process altogether. That is our goal. That is our mission for this year’s International Day of the Girl Child.

And since a society is only as progressive as its number of pro-actively thinking humans, we are beholden to every boy-child too in a bid to helping him see the girl-child as a viable partner and not a threatening competition.
He has an unmistakable role to play in trivializing the claptrap which has flooded every nook and cranny of our society against the self-defining mission impact of the girl-child even as he also breaks free from the manacles that keep him down, trapped, scared and amenable.

For this year’s celebration, writing competitions have been included. Poetry for Junior Secondary Class students, a maximum of twelve (12) lines; a flash fiction for Senior Class female students, a maximum of five hundred (500) words. It is important to add that this year’s exclusive dynamics is necessitated by the need to get every girl involved in that dream that she wants for herself.

Therefore, we present the theme for the year; I am a Girl : Unscripted me, Unstoppable me.

You. Yes. You. You are not allowed to sit on your buttocks while we attempt to act on our words. The least you can do is partner with us on and support this glorious quest—if not for anything, for the thrill of adding your time, your treasure and your talent to re-defining societal constructs.
Neither the girl child nor the boy child will be shut down in their quest to break out of societal-installed boxes; the society has no application or virus to carry out such a despicable act.

For sponsorship and partnership, kindly send a Whats-app message to Adewuyi Roseline Adebimpe on +2348137034000 or Temitope Adenuga on +2347086862233. We would appreciate your support both in cash and kind.

Chief Host : Dr. Eyiwumi Bolutito Akinneye-Olayinka
Conveners : Temitope Adenuga and Adewuyi Roseline Adebimpe
Speakers : Tope Akinyode and Princess Naomi
Panelists : Paul Onome Omuru and Ruth Ngozi
Anchors : Gbenga Joseph Olabisi and Feranmi Akinbote
Partners : Kasot Print and OutlookApparel

#girls #dayofthegirl #dayofthegirl2019 #girlchild #Ibadan #schools #arts #poetry #storytelling #shortstories #insights


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